I’m passionate about helping your team grow.

What’s Their Reason to Rise?

Here’s a glimpse into what started my journey to build The Purpose Equation®.

Anna Hall has 25 years of experience in employee and team engagement, training, program development, and technology management in senior living. She is a certified life coach and speaker.

Anna developed The Purpose Equation®, an evidence-informed framework that guides people at all ages and stages of life to define and activate their unique, innate purpose, in life and at work.

Her purpose activation workshops for teams, training programs to infuse purpose at work, and leadership development coaching and workshops spark joy and meaning-making in every moment of every day across the lifespan.


Creator of The Purpose Equation®

Purpose is not a goal or role. Who you are, what you are drawn to, how you think, and how you’re built - that’s your purpose. It informs how you show up for your roles and achieve your goals.

Discover precise, personalized, exciting direction to build resilience + navigate transitions + activate joy in life + work.

Ignite Purpose At Your Company

“Starting a company takes a driving sense of purpose. I now have the tools to remind myself of it when the long dark night of the soul hits, as it always does. When my passion falters, my purpose keeps me going.” Lili, Founder


It began with experience, led to a deep dive into existing research and landed on a FRAMEWORK.

If you like to solve puzzles, create systems, figure out how things work - you might have fun browsing some of the research that informed creation of the Equation.