2 Weeks After
Awe, joy…not sure of the best word to describe how it felt to be there as she poured out her purpose to me. She had the words, the confidence, to explain. She was precise and happy.
She emitted an energy of pure empowerment. Like a calmness and joy woven together in peace. She was in complete alignment of mind, body and spirit. She sat comfortably before me in the knowing of her unique, innate purpose.
She has fallen in love with her purpose.
It’s a common outcome. The effects last and tend to grow.
I get to see this a lot. Every time it’s breathtaking. An honor to be there. It’s an experience that I never imagined was possible. But it keeps happening!
It’s my wish for everyone to have it.
This is possible. We all have innate purpose.
Here’s how she described settling into her purpose, 2 weeks after completing the Equation build.
-she, by the way, has a unique purpose, as do you. Therefore, the way she describes living in purpose is ‘her way.’ You will have your way. The themes that she describes, however, are frequent outcomes for people of all ages and stages in life who discover and activate their purpose in daily life.
When we started it felt like I was wearing foggy glasses. Life felt gray—like it had lost the color.
I realize now, I was a stranger to myself then
My purpose is an internal guide and this gives me hope
I can articulate my system
I understand my brain
I know that I make sense
I can now activate my purpose consciously
I appreciate everything around me
I am more present
I can be an objective observer of my purpose
I know what if feels like to be totally self-aware
I know this will help me at work and as a parent and as a wife
It’s easier for me to adapt
easier to handle daily stress
It’s easier to accept myself
I see and like how I am unique. I find that I’m not comparing myself to others anymore. Before, I thought everyone experiences the world the way I do.
This is a gift. I wish everyone could experience this. Life feels more free, more open, peaceful. Not reactive.
I undestand that this ‘urge’ I feel is my purpose - I will follow it.
I feel like I have activated a power within me.
I am empowered.
I’m in charge now.