Anna’s Purpose Blog
Your Purpose Is Stronger Than You Think
If you want to face fears, blast limiting beliefs and reach your goals, you need to power through life with purpose. It’s not a ‘nice to have, it’s THE fuel for engaging in life and work with motivation and perseverance.
If You Are Having A Hard Day, Please Listen…
No matter what is happening in the world, you have your purpose inside to hold you up, carry you through, and power your life’s journey.
Why I Need To Know My Purpose
This morning I'm reflecting on how my life has changed since I defined my purpose. A touch of sadness that I didn't know it in my teens, 20's or 30's. Imagining what could have been.
Learn Your Purpose Operating System
We've established that every human has an inherently unique purpose. How does the workplace leverage this diversity?
Nature’s Equations
Purpose in one of nature’s natural equations. Like the golden ratio, it makes your innate invisible purpose, visible, so you and see and understand it from every angle. The Purpose Equation identifies your natural purpose elements and combines them into a formula you can follow every day to vastly improve your quality of life and work.
2 Weeks After
She wanted to discover her purpose because life had gone gray. She was in a fog. Something was missing, but she didn’t know what. Her purposeEQ brought the color flooding back, along with clarity and confidence.
BEing leads to DOing
There’s a difference between BEing and DOing. BEing is first—the source of doing. This is a brief essay written by Anna.
A Caregiver with Purpose
I’ve found my joy! Now I’m thriving, not just surviving. This is my caregiving in purpose story - Watch the video!
An Entrepreneur with Purpose
I’ve figured out what makes me unique, and how to celebrate and leverage that in life and business!
Purpose in Retirement
I found pleasure in being a true participant. It sparked my curiosity. Now I feel like I have a solid foundation under my feet.
Purpose at College
This experience was helpful for me—to understand myself better, in all areas of my life. I’m grateful to know this at age 18!
How it Feels to Live with Purpose
The Purpose Equation experience was such a positive, supportive, and educational gift.
“My friends tell me I look lighter - haven't lost weight but the experience has really made a difference.
I was depleted. I gained motivation and direction. I realized what my strengths are and how I can make them part of my every day work and home life..."
Kathy, Senior Living Executive Director